FINDER facilitates the integration and exchange of information that includes persons, vehicles, incident, scrap metal and pawned property records collected by Florida law enforcement agencies. None of these data sources are characterized as intelligence databases as defined in 28 CFR Part 23.
Each member agency is to abide by data collection limitations applicable by reason of law, rule, or policy. Information contributed to FINDER should be that which has been collected in conformance with these limitations.
Information obtained from or through FINDER can only be used for legitimate law enforcement purposes. A legitimate law enforcement purpose means the request for data can be directly linked to a law enforcement agency’s active criminal investigation or other legitimate law enforcement activity.
The law enforcement agencies remain the owners of the law enforcement information they contribute and are, therefore, responsible for the quality and accuracy of the information made available to FINDER and its users.
Participating agencies and authorized users are responsible for providing security for information derived from FINDER in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Participating agencies are also responsible for assuring that all personnel who receive, handle, or access the law enforcement information or other sensitive information are trained as to those requirements.
Users are reminded that inaccurate personal information can have a damaging impact on the person concerned and negatively impact confidence in FINDER and agencies submitting information to FINDER. The ultimate burden of maintaining the integrity and credibility of FINDER rests with the individual law enforcement officer who accesses the information available via FINDER.
In order to maintain the integrity of FINDER, any information believed to be actionable that is obtained through FINDER must be independently verified with the original data source (i.e., the originating agency) before any official action is taken. FINDER participating agencies and individual authorized Law Enforcement Users are responsible for compliance with the FINDER Privacy Policy.
FINDER Software Solutions, LLC (“FSS”), will take reasonable measures to secure access to FINDER and prevent unauthorized access or use of FINDER. FSS reserves the right to specify and regulate the qualifications of and number of personnel who will have FINDER access. FSS may suspend or withhold service to any agency or individual violating this Privacy Policy. FSS further reserves the right to conduct inspections concerning the proper use and security of FINDER data pursuant to the terms of each agency’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
All personnel having access to FINDER agree to abide by the following rules:
Must be at least 12 characters in length
May not be a dictionary word or proper name
May not be the same as the User ID
Must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
Must contain at least one number
Must contain at least one special character
May not be identical to previous ten passwords